Collections of Award & Official medals 1907 Jamestown Tercentennial Exposition struck in US mint exhibit on grounds (even though Tiffany & Co. designed the award medals) in bronze, gilt, silver and silver plated bronze and a report white metal too. We even found a gold plated award medal (second medal below), which was probably paid for by the winner. The Jamestown Exposition celebrated the 300th anniversary of the first English settlement.
It is difficult to determine the exact number of award medals given at the Jamestown Tercentennial Exposition of 1907. The exposition awarded medals to exhibitors in various categories such as agriculture, art, and industry. Additionally, there were special commemorative medals created to mark the occasion of the exposition. It is worth noting that the Jamestown Tercentennial Exposition is known for its large and impressive medal program, with over 50 different medals designed and distributed for the occasion.

1907 Jamestown Expo
Award Medal
Large round gilt bronze medal, Jamestown Exposition Official Award Medal, 1907, 2.5 inches or 63 mm in diameter, marked Tiffany & Co. on the rim, This is a very low relief medal with a stunning image on the obverse of two Indians looking at the arrival of the ship carrying the first European settlers.

1907 Jamestown Expo
Award Medal
Large round gilt bronze medal, Jamestown Exposition Official Award Medal, 1907, 2.5 inches or 63 mm in diameter, marked Tiffany & Co. on the rim. Reverse side of above medal.

1907, 2.5 inches or 63.5 mm in diameter, and a much larger edge width. Not marked Tiffany & Co. on the rim but it appears under the Eagle on the Reverse.

Reverse of the Gold Plated medal is marked Tiffany & Co. below the eagel, not on the rim.

1907 Jamestown Expo
Silver Award Medal
Large round silvered bronze medal, Jamestown Exposition Official Award Medal, 1907, 2.5 inches or 63 mm in diameter, marked Tiffany & Co. on the rim,

1907 Jamestown Expo
Silver Award Medal
Large round silvered bronze medal, Jamestown Exposition Official Award Medal, 1907, 2.5 inches or 63 mm in diameter, marked Tiffany & Co. on the rim. Reverse side.

Bronze Award Medal – 1907 Jamestown Expo
Bronze award medal, Jamestown Exposition Official Award Medal, 1907.

Bronze Award Medal – 1907 Jamestown Exposition
Bronze award medal, Jamestown Exposition Official Award Medal, 1907. Sometimes Tiffany & Co. is on the rim and sometimes under the eagle on the reverse from what we obserse.

Gilt Official Pocahontas Medal
This is the Gilt version of this medal. HK 347 So Called Dollars
Obv: a female Indian bust “Pocahontas” in center circle; outside around, Ter-Centennial of the Settlement of Jamestown and below 1607—1907 with beaded border.

Gilt Official Pocahontas Medal
This is the Gilt version of this medal. HK 347 So Called Dollars
Rev: Sailing ships in center, around Landing of Expedition Under Capt John Smith; May 13. 1607 at bottom with beaded border. Design and size the same for all medals: bronze, gilt, silver and silver plated bronze medals.

Jamestown Expo US Mint 1907 – So Called Dollar HK-346
Hibler & Kappen So-Called Dollar HK-346, Jamestown Tercentennial Expo Official Medal, 1907, struck in the U.S. Mint Exhibit on the grounds of the Expo, Pocahantas pictured on the obverse. Bronze, 34mm

Jamestown Expo US Mint 1907 – So Called Dollar HK-346
Rev: Sailing ships in center, around Landing of Expedition Under Capt John Smith; May 13. 1607 at bottom with beaded border.
Design and size the same for all medals: bronze, gilt, silver and silver plated bronze medals.
1907 Jamestown Tercentennial Exposition
The Ter-Centennial Exposition of 1907, held at what is now the Norfolk Naval Base, drew more than 1.2 million visitors and opened on April 26, 1907. “Some called it a world’s fair, other a great international naval, industrial and marine exposition of American Imperialism.”
More Official medals and So-Called Dollars from the 1907 Jamestown Expo here.